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Tandem Dog Sports
Laura Waudby
I'm not always great at blogging, but I'm on a roll with daily videos! Check me out on social media to see my young dogs learning foundations behaviors for obedience, and quite a few cat training videos too!
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Laura Waudby
Jan 154 min read
Heeling Goals: Attitude, Energy, and Precision
The green Q ribbon doesn't have your score on it! But you will find that the more you work on desire, focus, and energy, the more your dog

Laura Waudby
Dec 1, 20244 min read
How to Stop Your Dog From Creeping On Position Changes!
Once you start diving into the world of dog sports, position changes no longer seem so straightforward.

Laura Waudby
Aug 11, 20246 min read
Why I Don't use Platforms for Position Changes
I'm a control freak. I want those pretty position changes where the dog confidentially anchors their feet in place. I want it so bad!

Laura Waudby
Jan 27, 20245 min read
Ditch the Platform and Teach Fancy Front Pivots
There's just one of them in novice but 6 by the time you get to utility obedience. Fronts are what define the ribbon holders of the...

Laura Waudby
Nov 11, 20233 min read
Pivot Hand You're Doing it Wrong
If you asked me to pick the one hardest skill I teach to people learning obedience it's the ability to lure their dog into heel, pivot...

Laura Waudby
Jul 20, 20235 min read
Why I Don't Backchain a Retrieve
Backchaining is one of the best ways to learn a behavior. When you backchain, you start with the end behavior and gradually add one more...

Laura Waudby
Jan 30, 20235 min read
Skill Prep And Trial Prep
When you're thinking about preparing your dog for future trials it can feel overwhelming. There are so many things to train and prepare...

Laura Waudby
Mar 27, 20224 min read
Pivoting Without a Prop
In many foundation classes, we focus on teaching the dog how to pivot in heel position with the help of a perch. This can be a difficult...

Laura Waudby
Oct 30, 20213 min read
Rewards in Heeling
Different reinforcement strategies for heeling based on your dog's temperament.

Laura Waudby
Sep 8, 20213 min read
Stop Forging in Heel through Reward Placement!
Fix your heeling through changing how you deliver the reward!

Laura Waudby
Dec 12, 20204 min read
Offered Vs Cued Sessions
The dog needs to know exactly when it's appropriate to offer behaviors on their own and when it's appropriate to have duration and wait for

Laura Waudby
Jan 27, 20206 min read
Reward Placement & Delivery
I put a ton of emphasis on those 3 reward parts in my training and I see that behaviors not only develop faster, but fixing behaviors can of

Laura Waudby
May 5, 20184 min read
Position Changes: Ditching the Prop
I've been thinking about position changes lately as I continue to work on Zumi's stand at a distance for the new AKC cue discrimination...
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